About the Sufi Way
The Sufi Way is an initiatic mystical order, a community of service.
As a mystical order, or inner school, the Sufi Way is dedicated to nurturing direct experience of our “essential nature” — a nature known as pure awareness, self-realization, nonduality, oneness, illumination, and many other names. From this sacred experience a natural happiness arises, as well as a desire to be of benefit and to be fully grounded in the life of the world.
As a community of service, the Sufi Way is dedicated to nurturing life in whatever ways are appropriate and possible in the moment. To put it most simply, our dedication to awakening and service is guided by love — love that is both universal and intimate.
The lineage of the Sufi Way was first established in the West in 1910 by the Indian mystic Sufi Inayat Khan, and is now a contemporary expression of the perennial spiritual path he taught. The Way does not promote a particular religion, doctrine, or set of beliefs. Sufi Way teachings and practices draw from all traditions in a spirit of respect and creativity. Our heritage is both a classical Sufi lineage and an approach that is experiential and universal.
Our primary reason for being, as stated above, is to nurture direct, original experience of that which is known as the Real, the ground of being, original nature, Buddha nature, the Oneness of Being, Presence, nondual awareness, and by many other names.
Based on a tradition of oral teachings and an emphasis on direct experience, the transmission of this realization in the Sufi Way typically occurs in small group contexts and through one-on-one guidance. Our programs are known for the inclusivity of teachings and practices from many traditions, and for the use of musical meditations that evoke a sense of peace and communion.
The Sufi Way's approach to spiritual growth encourages rigorous self-inquiry, contemplative practice, and the living of a full, balanced life that is present to both the joys and the suffering of the world. To these ends we facilitate in-depth training programs, practice and study circles, Open Path programs and retreats, cross-cultural pilgrimages, celebrant trainings, rites-of-passage, and individual spiritual guidance.
The Sufi Way maintains study and practice circles in England, France, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and North America.
Pir Elias Amidon is the current spiritual director (Pir) of the Sufi Way.