The Training Ground
The Training Ground is the name we use for continuing Open Path work with initiates, and for those who, though they have not asked for initiation, wish to deepen their study after taking part in Open Path programs. (Learn more about initiation.)
The Training Ground is not a codified system of practices and study, but is gauged for each individual according to their request and readiness. For this purpose we use both in-person interviews, inquiry, and telephone contact with the Pir or other guides, the giving of individual practices, meditations, and counseling, and the offering of what are called chillas, or sacred tasks.
Chillas may take from a few minutes to years to accomplish. There is a great range of chilla types, and they are given according to the initiate’s situation at the time. Initiates can request a chilla from the Pir or other guide, or they may have one suggested to them. While no given chilla is obligatory, the initiate is asked to consider it seriously and if they reject it, to be clear about why.
In addition, initiates and committed Open Path students may attend the esoteric study class called Openings, the Sama School, the Celebrants Training when offered, and take part in the Caring for Caregivers program.
There are no fees connected with any of the individual work of the Training Ground (there are modest fees connected with the Sama School and the Celebrants Training), and there is no obligation or expectation that initiates engage with any of these Training Ground activities — they are simply available for students if they wish.